Having grandparents who have loved us and cared for us in so many ways is a wonderful blessing. The happiness and memories of good grandparents will live with us for all of our lives. Unfortunately, when a divorce occurs a child-grandparent relationship may also become severed. 
    If you are a grandparent who has established a wholesome, good, nurturing relationship with your grandson or granddaughter and want to continue that relationship even through your grandchildren’s parents become divorced, you should be able to continue that relationship. Even if one or both parents of your grandchildren do not want you to continue your grandparent relationship with your grandson or granddaughter, a judge may very well issue a court order allowing you to visit and continue your established relationship with your grandson or granddaughter if it is in their best interest. 
    If you are the parent of children in circumstances where a grandparent wants to visit and have a grandparent-grandchild relationship but you believe that such a relationship is not in the best interest of your child you should have the right to determine whether your child’s grandparents should be allowed to establish or continue a child-grandparent relationship. 

   Consult With A Lawyer

   If a dispute arises between grandparents and parents of a child our Family Courts are available to resolve these unfortunate disputes. If these grandparent-parent disputes arise and you need an experienced Family Court lawyer you can call the Law Office of Jerold S. Slate at (845) 471-4141 to arrange for a personal and confidential consultation. 
   Having the experience of serving as a Law Guardian for children in contested Family Court matters and having provided legal counsel in contested divorces, you will feel confident that when you hire Jerold Slate as your lawyer you will have a knowledgeable, experienced, dedicated lawyer who understands the dynamics of family law and who will protect, preserve and defend your legal rights and interests. 

Grandparents Rights When Parents Become Divorced