When a Family Court Judge signs an Order of Protection, the Order can provide for the following relief and more: 

   The Order of Protection may require the Petitioner or Respondent: 

• to stay away from the home, school, business or place of employment of any other party, the other spouse, the other parent or the child and often specific locations;

• to permit a parent or person entitled to visitation by a court order or separation agreement to visit the child;

• to refrain from committing a family offense or any criminal offense against the child, other parent or against any person to whom custody of the child is awarded;

• to refrain from acts of commission or omission that create an unreasonable risk to the health, safety or welfare of a child;

• to require the respondent to participate in a batterer’s education program designed to help end violent behavior, which may include referral to drug and alcohol counseling

• to observe such other conditions as are necessary to further the purpose of protection

• to require the Respondent to pay temporary child support.

• to revoke or suspend the Respondent’s firearm’s license or order the Respondent to surrender firearms 

• to pay for any medical expenses arising from the abuse 

    The aforesaid list of components of an Order of Protection is not a complete list. Family Court Judges and lawyers will try to have an Order of Protection issued that is specific to your individual circumstances.

    Consult With A Lawyer

    If you need a lawyer to obtain an Order of Protection you can call the Law Office of Jerold S. Slate at (845) 471-4141 to schedule a personal and confidential consultation.

    When you hire Jerold Slate as your lawyer you will receive a personal and confidential consultation so that when you appear before the Family Court Judge you will be prepared to promptly explain why you need an Order of Protection without taking up the valuable time of the Family Court Judge. With Jerold Slate as your lawyer during the entire Family Court proceeding you can feel confident that you will be treated courteously, respectfully and that he has the experience and knowledge to help you obtain the Order of Protection that you need. 
    If you are falsely or wrongfully accused of behavior that would be the basis for an Order of Protection and you need a lawyer, you can call the Law Office of Jerold S. Slate at (845) 471-4141 to schedule a personal and confidential consultation.

Relief in an Order of Protection