When you and your spouse are able to agree on all the terms and conditions of your divorce you can submit legal documents to the State Supreme Court and request that a judge issue a judgment of divorce dissolving your marriage as an uncontested divorce. To obtain an uncontested divorce, particularly if the ground for divorce is “an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage for a period for at least six months” the New York Domestic Relations Law section 170 (7) provides that:

​   Consult With A Lawyer

   If you or your spouse are contemplating a divorce and you need a lawyer to help you obtain an uncontested divorce, you can call the Law Office of Jerold S. Slate at (845) 471-4141 to schedule a private and confidential consultation.
   If you are able to obtain an uncontested divorce you may be able to simplify the divorce process, save time and money and reduce the amount of attorney fees and other expenses. 

Uncontested New York Divorce

  "No judgment of divorce shall be granted under this subdivision unless and until the economic issues of equitable distribution of marital property, the payment or waiver of spousal support, the payment of child support, the payment of counsel and experts’ fees and expenses as well as the custody and visitation with the infant children of the marriage have been resolved by the parties or determined by the court and incorporated into the judgment of divorce."